The Chariot of Subhadra, known as Dwarpadalana , literally "trampler of pride," is forty – three feet high with twelve wheels, each of seven – foot diameter. This Chariot is decked with a covering of red and black cloth – black being traditionally associated with Shakti and the Mother Goddess.
Presiding Deties: Devi Subhadra Number of wheels: 12 Total Number of wooden pieces used: 593 Height: 42' 3" Length and breadth: 31' 6" x 31' 6" Wrappings: Red, Black colour cloths Guarded by: Jayadurga Name of the charioteer: Arjuna The flag: Nadambika The horses: Rochika, Mochika, Jita, Aparajita The rope: Swarnachuda Naguni

Presiding Nine Deities:
- Chandi/li>
- Chamunda
- Ugratara
- Vanadurga
- Shulidurga
- Varahi
- Shyamakali
- Mangala
- Vimala